Michael Enger

A picture of me from a Young Fatigue show. I'm sweaty and laughing about something.

Hi, I'm Michael! I'm a musician and software engineer from Norway, currently living in London.

I like fast music and clean code, so hit me up if you're into either.

Latest Posts

  1. Lovely Little Game Interactions
  2. Reading Current Mouse Position in SwiftUI
  3. Nobody is Taking My EDGE Away
  4. raylib vs. Godot: A Highly Subjective Comparison
  5. Seeding RNG Without the Current Time
  6. 2023 In Review
  7. The Mac Needs Proton
  8. Implementing Search for a Pure Frontend Application
  9. Why I Pay For Search
  10. Using JSON as a Data Store for a TypeScript Application
  11. Brage 2.0: Redesigning My Static Site Generator
  12. Hello, world!